Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jumping Hot Java

Lately, the hot (or iced) coffee area in Café V has been a favorite of mine. My friends and I seem to be increasing our java intake each day not because we have too much work at night, but simply because we have so much fun during activities instead!

For a quick academic update, the other day Dr. Vera showed us a NPR session from Dr. Benjamin Carson, the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Children's Center. Dr. Carson believes that "there is no job more important than parenting" and even though I didn't think of it first (I don't know why), I definitely agree. Note to self: must read Gifted Hands by Dr. Carson as a rec from Ms. Green. ABC actually has a new show called Hopkins which is a 6-part documentary about life inside Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. I've seen the first part and it was really interesting so I recommend this show to anyone interested in medicine or becomming a doctor, especially since Johns Hopkins is #1 in bioengineering.

Since I see COSMOS and UCSD students on Facebook practically every time I turn my head in the computer lab, I started thinking about my own online persona which I recently re-activated after I took my finals in June just to befriend other COSMOpolitans. In the midst of indulging the MnM's from the lab today, I realized:

0) It is much easier to cultivate one's profile than one's self. [Oh no, college apps!]
1) It is much easier to spend time on Facebook than doing other things, like homework and reading and cleaning one's room.
2) I miss coding in Java. I haven't opened Terminal since June 1. :(

Well, actually one of the main reasons I came to COSMOS was to find out if I liked biology more than computer science. I realized that I absolutely love this biology+medicine field, and yet I don't think I can bear leaving comp sci behind nor can I major in it. Bioinformatics isn't exactly what I'm looking for, but maybe I can still participate in comp sci activities in college. I still have some time to think anyways. [:

Off to ice blocking!


PS - Connie just taught us how to cube up to the 3rd layer (for lack of time). SHE IS SUCH AN AMAZING RUBIK'S CUBE TEACHER. =D


I like M&Ms. Except we dirtied some tables today with M&Ms we weren't allowed to eat. That's all I have to say.
we just finished our m&m lab, it was fun, we even got to eat our data, today i have to finish two essays or homework or something like that....
ummm.... i am having fun and .......i have made a lot of friends..... i like it here a lot, i will be very sad when this month is over.


I have no idea what to choose for my individual project. =[
It's so frustrating!
Oh well - I'll think of something soon I hope!

The M&M lab today was fun, especially eating them!
There's supposedly a college/career fair today. I hope it'll be interesting.
We're eating M&M's and working with statistics.
The week is going really fast so far, compared to last week.
Uhh, so it turns our my parents are cancelling family weekend on me ;-;

Oh well. Were gonna watch the Dark Knight this week and go to the mall I hear.

uhh okay bye

Slam yer body down, a zigga~zig--ah!

Yesterday, I learned to salsa! Yay! *swishswish* We also ate salsa (lulz). My feet hurt because I danced barefoot. XD (I feel like I'm always blogging about where I ache).

Yesterday we also had lunch with Becky Hames and Dr. Tu at Middle Earth. Whenever I go near middle earth, I think of Lord of the Rings, but it is really just a lounge area (They should totally put LOTR wallpaper or forest-themed furniture).

Anyway, back to M&M lab.

Yay, candy! It's for an educational purpose though. We're doing a statistical lab with M&M's.

So, yesterday we had lunch with Dr. Tu and Ms. Hames. It was pretty nice; I liked the box lunches (grilled chicken sandwich, Cheetos, cookies, and fruit salad in mine). I enjoyed getting to talk with them more individually, and it was nice finding out that ours was the most elite cluster (100 of the 305 COSMOS applicants applied to this cluster, and only 18 got in).

The activities that we have had and are going to have this week are pretty good. They all sound really fun; I'm not sure which ones I want to do! Monday I learned how to spin poi and saw the cakes that other people had decorated. Tuesday was movie night. Anchorman was funny, I guess. I'm glad I finally saw it; I've heard people talk about it many times without knowing what it was about. Yesterday I made a friendship bracelet, watched some people salsa dance, and ate salsa with chips. Today there's henna, swimming, Rubik's cube, and ice blocking. I may go see the Rubik's cube one briefly, but I already know how to solve it and I'm not anywhere near as good as the other cubers here. Maybe I'll get to learn some different techniques though. Anyway, I think I'll go ice blocking, which sounds really fun. There's a dance on Friday. I'm not really enthusiastic for it, but I guess it'll be okay.

Anyway, this week has gone by pretty fast; it's already Thursday! Looks like the rest of this week will be just as fun as the first few days, with the Batman movie and parent visitation weekend.

So, I guess I'll go back to my statistical analysis of the data. Have a good week!


Random posting

I never have time to blog during study time, but at least I can blog during "cluster instruction." Yesterday at the lunch with the director my entire cluster felt pretty special because we learned how many people had applied. 18 out of 100? Yay! XD

I think my suite--including me--is going through a friendship bracelet craze. My roommate (Amy also >.<) brought string with her. Mine are never that good, but they're relaxing to make. Julia's are absolutely perfect. I don't know how she does it.

It's so hard to be innovative, but I'm trying. I haven't had time to go on my own websites that much lately...I usually spend all my time on deviantArt. I am addicted. T_T -> link to my dA. It's mostly photography. Ignore anything that isn't, if whoever reads this chooses to go there.

MnM Lab?

Hello All.

It is currently 9:10 in the morning, and we are waiting a few minutes for Mrs. Nicely to load the computer and projector. Everything seems to be going well, and a lot of the computer and homework problems are dissipating, which is excellent. I am not saying we have no homework, but it is now reasonable and, with this next essay, enjoyable.

Last night's recreational activities were not as fun as they usually are.. We had Salsa Dancing, Salsa Eating, and Friendship making (however, a few people also started a poker game).

I can't believe it is already Thursday in the second week! I don't know if that feels fast or short, for many friends are being made (as well as many people trying to be more than friends) and everyone is very comfortable as it seems. I feel like I've already been here for a month, but I am glad to go homework for the day and a half I can.

Cluster 1 - the computer one - is completely beating us in the number of posts (though, I believe ours have much more quality). This has really sparked us to post more often, and we have been. We post during breaks in labs, in our rooms, in the computer lab... Everywhere is a possibility!

I must go, we will begin. Adieu~

The Future

Cluster 7 homework and projects are getting easier for me. Not having homework for the first time a few days ago was really relaxing. Although, I should have done some research for future assignments.

Not only have I learned so much about particular things in my cluster, but COSMOS has started my thinking about the future. College, science fairs, and my future high school experience has filled my mind. There's so many things I want to do, but there seems to be a shortage of time for me to do it.

There's another side of me that does not want to think about the future, and stay a kid forever. However, I know there will be some exciting things for me.

The activities have been absolutely amazing. Salsa dancing was great and glow-in-the-dark capture the flag was intense, although I did not do much. I cannot wait for tonight. I hear that ice blocking is the best. Hopefully I can go to the pool as well and maybe do a front flip off the diving board. :]
