Lately, the hot (or iced) coffee area in Café V has been a favorite of mine. My friends and I seem to be increasing our java intake each day not because we have too much work at night, but simply because we have so much fun during activities instead!
For a quick academic update, the other day Dr. Vera showed us a NPR session from Dr. Benjamin Carson, the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Children's Center. Dr. Carson believes that "there is no job more important than parenting" and even though I didn't think of it first (I don't know why), I definitely agree. Note to self: must read Gifted Hands by Dr. Carson as a rec from Ms. Green. ABC actually has a new show called Hopkins which is a 6-part documentary about life inside Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. I've seen the first part and it was really interesting so I recommend this show to anyone interested in medicine or becomming a doctor, especially since Johns Hopkins is #1 in bioengineering.
Since I see COSMOS and UCSD students on Facebook practically every time I turn my head in the computer lab, I started thinking about my own online persona which I recently re-activated after I took my finals in June just to befriend other COSMOpolitans. In the midst of indulging the MnM's from the lab today, I realized:
0) It is much easier to cultivate one's profile than one's self. [Oh no, college apps!]
1) It is much easier to spend time on Facebook than doing other things, like homework and reading and cleaning one's room.
2) I miss coding in Java. I haven't opened Terminal since June 1. :(
Well, actually one of the main reasons I came to COSMOS was to find out if I liked biology more than computer science. I realized that I absolutely love this biology+medicine field, and yet I don't think I can bear leaving comp sci behind nor can I major in it. Bioinformatics isn't exactly what I'm looking for, but maybe I can still participate in comp sci activities in college. I still have some time to think anyways. [:
Off to ice blocking!
PS - Connie just taught us how to cube up to the 3rd layer (for lack of time). SHE IS SUCH AN AMAZING RUBIK'S CUBE TEACHER. =D