Thursday, July 10, 2008

C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song! (it would help if you just sing along)!

Hello there! =D
I have to type quickly because Ms. Nicely will lecture us soon. She's very cool and nice (ha ha). I wish I had her as a chemistry teacher because she is so enthusiastic!
Cluster 7 has been fun. Yesterday we looked at mouse blood samples (both as a smear and as a drop under a cover glass). Smearing was hard because you have to get the hand technique right.
Unfortunately, we have a lot of homework and projects to do. Half the time I am worried silly about whether I can finish them on time because there is so little computer time available to us. The RAs make our evening activities exciting. Yesterday we went to a bonfire and roasted marshmallows. The fire was super-hot, but I was able to just stick my marshmallow stick in the sand in the fire pit like I see them do with fish in animes.

I wish my cosmos peeps would go near the water with me =(.

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